Hair Restoration Frequently Asked Questions

Does the treatment hurt?

  • Because everyone has a different pain threshold, the answer is not a simple yes or no.  The majority report a mild discomfort, but not “pain”.

  • Topical, prescription strength numbing cream is applied 15 minutes prior to treatment.  While this may not remove all sensation, this will make the treatment much more tolerable.

How do I prep for my treatment?

  • Make sure to wash your hair the morning of your appointment.

  • Washing your hair will help reduce any excess sebum that might otherwise be difficult to get.

What should I expect during the treatment?

  • You should arrive with a freshly cleaned scalp / hair to your session.

  • Upon arrival your practitioner will clean the area(s) to be treated with rubbing alcohol.

  • Numbing cream will then be applied and left to sit for 15 minutes.

  • The numbing cream will be removed prior to treatment.

  • Your practitioner will begin microneedling and infuse into the open channels whichever product was selected prior to your treatment.

  • You may or may not feel some slight discomfort.

  • Once the session is complete you will be given post-care instructions.

What is after-care like?

  • Make sure to not wash your hair for at least 24 hours after treatment.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise or any event that may cause or expose you to excess heat. (Ex:  No exercise, outdoor activities, saunas, steam rooms, exposure to chlorine, etc.)

  • Make sure to not expose your scalp to the sun after the treatment, as the skin needling increases your skin sensitivity. Sun exposure might result in accelerated scalp sunburn. If needed, wear a CLEAN hat.

  • After the 24 hours, make sure to wash your hair.  Your scalp might become infected easier after the treatment if not washed.

  • Avoid applying artificial fragrances to your scalp for at least a couple of days. This includes any sort of hair wash or products including artificial fragrances.

  • Make sure to sleep on a clean pillow sheet following the treatment to prevent potential infections.

  • You might notice your scalp starting to flake a couple of days after the treatment. This is normal and a wanted result – the upper layer of the scalp is shedding.

  • You might experience some scalp pain the days following your treatment. This is also normal, as the micro needling created a large number of micro-injuries.

  • If you notice any persisting localized inflammation, get in touch with one of our practitioners.

How many treatments will I need?

  • The number of treatments you will need depends on your specific treatment goals and desired outcome.

  • Typically, patients receive their desired outcomes anywhere from 6 to 12 treatments.

  • Of course, all patients are different and results are not uniform.

What is the recommended frequency for treatments?

  • Treatments should be performed every 4 weeks (1x/month) until desired outcome.

  • From there, treatments typically move to every 3 months, while assessing steady results.

  • If results are steadily maintained, you may move your treatment to every 6 months to maintain results.

Are results permanent?

  • Hair restoration is an on-going commitment to maintain results.

  • Your maintenance in-office treatments, oral supplements, and medical-grade home care regimen will need to continue to maintain results.

Are there potential side effect?

  • Because microneedling is a non-invasive treatment, side effects are generally minimal.

  • Possible side effects may include localized swelling and bleeding, soreness a week after treatment, and increased sun sensitivity for up to two weeks post-treatment.

  • Skin irritations, bruising, and peeling are also common, yet mild, side effects following microneedling.

  • Possible infection